
Scared of Love!!!!

Are you ever really to busy for love or just don't want to except it? Sometimes I feel that we as human beings are scared of love because face it "It Hurts" sometimes and here's a good one "You just might fall in love". Many of us have been hurt before by someone or another. Some of us surround ourselves with work and other things causing us to push the other away as an excuse because we don't want to get hurt again if we get caught up!!! Some men and women claim " I don't blame you for my past relationship" but is that really true? We compare the new found person in our lives to the old girlfriend/boyfriend subconsciously. I have been a victim of that before and I will say because some men don't seem to have respect, patience, and that true sense of wanting to "Get to know you" I have found myself even busier now of days focusing on me and not on men.Lol!!! Just don't want to deal with the hassle sometimes of running into the wrong guy again. As they always say "Don't go looking for love, love will find you" I feel this statement has some truth to it. Whether you are too busy for love or open to it, love is nothing to play with it has made people do some crazy things. Its always best to be honest with a person and to yourself about how you feel to make sure you and the other are on the same page, whether that person responds the way you like or not will determine if "the love thing" is something to reckon with that particular person.


9 to 5's,Cant live with them Cant live without them?

I never could fathom 9 to 5 jobs. I mean of coarse I have worked plenty of 9 to 5's just to end up tired, overworked, not making enough, time taken away from me to work for some job that doesn't appreciate you really and to suck up to someone higher in position then you. It makes sense to have one because you have to support yourself and keep your life afloat but yet even still you seem to keep on struggling to pay bills, car notes, insurance, electric bills, gas, food etc... Don't get me wrong some people are cut out for 9 to 5 jobs but I am not one of them. Because society tells us that we are to wake up everyday clock in, go to work, make a set pay, give most of our day to the specified job, we do it!!! Just to go through the same old existence everyday of our lives and for some of the elder to still have to work because they did not make enough to support themselves or save for retirement. That to me is ridiculous!!! In all of this you do have those that think outside of the box and choose to go their own route and be their own boss. Without those people we would not have the 9 to 5's we have today. Someone has to create the job first, well if they can do it why not you or me?

Forgetful/Forget Me Not?

Wow cant believe I'm telling people this but I am very forgetful. Even to the point where it is scary!!! When I was younger I used to forget my keys, my purse and other things a lot. Ive even locked my keys in my car a couple of times.Lmao!!! I kept trying to figure out why I did this so often!!!? Well, I am not the only one in this world that is forgetful of things of coarse. Forgetfulness can be caused by many things, one thing being stress, disorganized, busy or you just plain scatter brained. Me being a very creative one, my mind is always racing and thinking of new things every second it seems!!! I had a lot going on in my head while growing up,Lol!!! Unfortunately, but I had to figure a way to control my scattered thoughts and to concentrate on the situation or object at hand and realize its importance. Once I realized why I left things behind I figured out a way to control it. I don't like to lug things around, which makes it a hassle and in turn causes me to forget it. I am still forgetful to some things in the past but I try to associate things with others so it makes it easier to remember. Even the late great inventors, songwriters, painters creative ones of the past were forgetful. I guess its a trait of being brilliant in the mind of creativity!!!

The Definition of "MindSet"

the center of consciousness that generates thoughts, feelings, ideas, and perceptions, and stores knowledge and memories.

the collective aspects of intellect and consciousness which are manifest in some combination of thought, perception, emotion, will and imagination.

to focus your mind on a goal or task,

to reach a decision about something

So Mindset is: The collective aspects of intellect and consciousness that generates thoughts, feelings, ideas, and perception to focus on a goal, task or decision.

The mind is a beautiful thing dont you think? We all have a certain mindset of our own lives,others, ideas etc... We all have a certain goal or achievement that has to be made also, which is your "Set" or focus. Mind is frequently synonymous with thought: It is that private conversation with ourselves that we carry on "inside our heads." Thus we "make up our minds," "change our minds" or are "of two minds" about something. One of the key attributes of the mind in this sense is that it is a private sphere to which no one but the owner has access. No-one else can "know our mind." They can only know what we communicate. Isn't that interesting....